Sunday Worship
Sundays at 11:00am (during the fall, winter, and spring quarters)
Worship in the Lutheran tradition is central to our life together. We gather to praise God and to meet Christ, who is alive in Word and sacrament. By definition, the liturgy is the work of the whole people of God. Thus, LCMNU’s worship invites and employs the gifts and interests of all those who wish to share them. Every week, students assist with planning worship, reading scripture, or leading the prayers. Sometimes students preach or co-preach with Pastor Deanna or provide special vocal or instrumental music. At announcement time, worshipers advertise LCMNU events that they’re helping to plan, as well as other events that they’re involved in on campus. LCMNU uses a variety of liturgies and music (traditional, blended, contemporary, camp, morning prayer). A fellowship time is held before and after worship. If you are interested in planning worship, assisting with music, or helping to lead worship, please contact our Student Ministers, Cole Morgan, at Colemorgan2027@u.northwestern.edu or Sophie Ruddy at sophieruddy2027@u.northwestern.edu
Wednesday Worship
Wednesdays from 6:00–6:45pm
Invite your friends and join in a gathering of the community for fellowship and worship. We gather at the table at 6:00pm for a prayer, share in a meal and fellowship from 6:00pm–6:30pm, and then join in a service of prayer, scripture, and song from 6:30pm–6:45pm.